If you don't save, you don't pay.
No CapEx. No Long-Term Commitment. No risk.
The real estate industry is facing intense pressure to stretch budgets while meeting increasingly strict targets. That's why BTune is designed to deliver an immediate ROI.
With our shared-savings pricing, BTune essentially pays for itself from the savings it generates, making it day-one ROI while improving NOI from the start.
Choose the best pricing option for you.
We offer two "No CapEx, Shared Savings" pricing options to choose from: Variable and Fixed.
Variable Fee
The Variable Fee equals a set percentage of measured and verified monthly savings delivered by BTune. The fee percentage is equal to 50% or less and depends on the size, energy use, and complexity of the building.
Invoices change each month based on the actual outcomes that BTune achieves, but the project payback is constant throughout the entire term.
Variable Fee Example
Example Variable Fee = 50%
Month 1 energy savings from BTune = $10,000
BTune invoice of $5,000 ($10,000 * 50%)
Your savings after payment = $5,000
Month 2 energy savings from BTune = $8,000
BTune invoice of $4,000
Your savings after payment = $4,000
Fixed Fee
The Fixed Fee equals an agreed cost per square foot of floor area per month. verified monthly savings delivered by BTune. The fee percentage is equal to $0.01 per square foot per month or less and depends on the size, energy use, and complexity of the building.
Invoices remain the same each month regardless of savings achieved, providing a consistent expense.
Fixed Fee Example
Fixed Fee = $2,500/month (500,000 sq ft x $0.005/sq ft)
Month 1 energy savings from BTune = $10,000
BTune invoice of $2,500
Your savings after payment = $7,500
Month 2 energy savings from BTune = $8,000
BTune invoice of $2,500
Your savings after payment = $5,500
Upfront Cost Models Available
Working with an annual budget, receiving financing for an efficiency project, or simply looking to invest into energy efficiency? Ask us about our Upfront CapEx + Annual Pricing Fee option.
Get an immediate project payback.
Regardless of which shared savings option you choose, you won't get an invoice until after you've started saving energy, paying that invoice from the savings we just delivered.
Example Timeline:
Sign up for BTune
Begin deployment process (1-3 months to complete)
No upfront costs
No Fees
First month of measured and verified cost savings
No fees to date
Cost Savings
Invoice for April sent, paid out of April cost savings
Continued monthly savings, followed by invoice
Invoice Issued
BTune Requirements for Shared Savings
​In order to qualify for our shared-savings pricing options, your building needs to spend $200,000 or more per year in total energy (gas, electric & other).​
The Variable Pricing Option can only be offered when, at a minimum, there are monthly utility meter readings and monthly utilization data can be provided as a proxy for occupancy (e.g., WiFi connection counts, water meter data, etc.). If this is not obtainable, the project may have to be offered at a fixed fee.
A better business approach to efficiency.
Regardless of which shared savings option you choose, you won't get an invoice until after you've started saving energy, typically paying that invoice from the savings we just delivered.

Standard Term
All projects operate on a 24-month term to give BTune time to learn about your building and enable our shared savings pricing options.

No Long-Term
You can cancel your BTune project at any point for any reason during the term, with no termination fee.

Tiered, Scalable Pricing
Our pricing tiers move dynamically with the size and complexity of the building to ensure our customers are always achieving a strong project ROI.